Pet-Friendly Shelters

When to Use a Pet Friendly Shelter

  • Public pet-friendly shelters should be used ONLY as a last resort for evacuating pet owners who cannot take their pets and stay with family, friends or a hotel outside of the mandated evacuation zones. (See the Public Shelter Information page to locate pet-friendly shelters)

What to Expect

  • Only domesticated pets are allowed in pet-friendly shelters in Hillsborough County. Livestock like horses, cows, chickens and pigs are not allowed.

  • Only service animals that are specifically trained to perform a function for their owner will be able to stay alongside their owner while in a pet-friendly shelter. (Examples of Service Animals include, but are not limited to: dogs that guide blind handlers, dogs that detect oncoming seizures)

  • Both pets and emotional support animals will be placed in a designated area . This for their own safety and the safety of other shelter residents. It is a secure area overseen by Pet Resource Center staff.

    • You will not be able to stay with your pets or emotional support animals while at the shelter, but you will be caring for them, including feeding, walking, and giving any medications.

    • You will be doing this during designated times determined by shelter staff. The shelter staff will inform you of your designated pet care times when you check in.

    • The designated times could be spaced out - up to six hours apart.

    • The pet care visits will be for only one person.

What to Take

(See Preparing & Evacuating Pets script)


Report an Animal Issue (Before and During a Storm)


Preparing & Evacuating Pets